Your Ultimate Guide to the Best Beginner Surf Spots in Bali

Your Ultimate Guide to the Best Beginner Surf Spots in Bali

Your Ultimate Guide to the Best Beginner Surf Spots in Bali

Bali is not just an island in Indonesia.

It's a feeling and a tropical state of mind, and for many beginner surfers it's where the exhilarating journey of riding waves begins.

With its warm waters, consistent waves and a plethora of surf spots, Bali has gained a reputation as a surfing Mecca accessible to all levels of surfers, but especially learners.

If you're feeling the call of the surf, you're in luck!

Kala Surf Camp and Bali's best beginner surf spots are waiting for you to learn and thrive.

Why is Bali an amazing beginner surf destination?

Warm water and tropical weather

With an average water temperature of 27 degrees Celsius, you can leave your wetsuit at home and enjoy the warm tropical waters.

The weather in Bali is also perfect for year-round surfing, with both the Dry and Wet seasons offering ideal conditions for beginners.

Variety of beginner-friendly surf spots

From gentle beach breaks to more challenging reef breaks, Bali has it all.

This variety of surf spots allows beginners to progress and improve their skills at their own pace.

You can start on the forgiving waves of Thomas Beach before moving on to other learner breaks like Old Man's in Canggu or Padang Padang Rights.


Welcoming surf community

Bali has been a popular surfing destination for decades, making it home to a thriving surf community who are always welcoming and willing to help out beginners.

You can easily find surf schools and instructors to guide you as well as plenty of other encouraging surfers also sampling Bali's best beginner surf spots.

Cultural experience

Bali is not just about surfing.

It's also a cultural hub steeped in rich traditions, making it an ideal destination for those seeking a well-rounded travel experience. 

From exploring ancient temples to trying delicious local cuisine, Bali has almost everything. Mt Agung sunrise hike or nasi goreng, anyone?

How do I know if I'm a beginner?

Unsure as to what your skill level is? 

If you fit into two or more of the following categories, then consider yourself a beginner surfer:

  • You've never surfed before OR you've only had one or two lessons
  • You can catch waves in the white water, but struggle to make it past the breaking point
  • You're still working on your pop-up and aren't consistently standing up on your board

If any of these apply to you, don't worry! 

Bali has more than enough beginner surf spots for you to improve your skills and gain confidence in the water.

How do I choose a beginner surf spot?

Before you wax your board and hit the waves, it's important to choose the right surf spot that matches your skill level.

The tricky part?

Most beginner's aren't ocean or lineup-aware, which is understandable.

Here are a few tips to help you choose the perfect beginner surf spot in Bali.

  • Research different surf spots: Do some research and find out which spots are beginner-friendly. Look for beaches with gentle waves and a sandy bottom
  • Ask locals or fellow surfers: Don't be afraid to ask for recommendations from the local surf community or other beginners in Facebook groups. They'll have valuable insights and can point you in the right direction
  • Consider surf lessons: If you're completely new to surfing, consider taking a lesson with a reputable surf school. They’ll choose the best spot for your skill level and provide you with guidance and safety in the water
  • Stay at a surf camp: There's no better way to immerse yourself in the surf culture and learn from experienced surfers than by staying at a surf camp. They often have local tips on the most suitable and uncrowded beginner surf spots in Bali where you can practise your skills

What's the best surf season in Bali for learners?

You're probably aware that Bali doesn't have the traditional four seasons.

Instead, the weather and climate in Indonesia is divided into the wet and dry season, with the former being from October to April and the latter from May to September.

In our experience, beginners can find waves all year-round, so it ultimately depends on your preferences.

Dry season

The dry season has consistent waves, and the winds are generally light, making it ideal for beginners. However, this is also peak tourist season, so expect crowded lineups and higher prices.

Wet season

While there may be fewer tourists during the wet season, you can still find good surf conditions if you know where to look. Just be aware of the potential for the odd afternoon downpour, which can make surfing more challenging (and riding your moped to the waves more sketchy).

Bali's best beginner surf spots

The beginner surf Bali scene is absolutely stacked with excellent waves to hone your surfing skills.

You can find a gentle beach break on your surf holiday or go on a true surfing adventure and surf in Bali over reef!

At the end of the day the choice is yours. You needn't feel pressured to surf a particular break or surf spot. 

From the Bukit Peninsula to Kuta Beach, novice surfers will be able to surf bali in style!

Kuta Beach, Kuta

Kuta Beach is arguably one of the best places for beginner surfers to find their feet. 

The long, sandy beach break here means you won't have to worry about sharp reefs below, and the waves provide a soft, forgiving ride.

Tips for Surfing at Kuta Beach:

  • Avoid the busiest times if you can; early morning or late afternoon sessions offer more space to practise
  • Consider taking a lesson from one of the many surf schools dotted along the beach
  • Don't spend too long learning at Kuta! There are many other great beginner spots to explore in Bali

Batu Bolong (Old Man's), Canggu

Generally regarded as a party animal or hipster's paradise by the sea, Canggu has a laid-back vibe that extends into the surf. 

With several breaks to choose from, it's a locale that caters to both the novice and the seasoned surfer looking to chill alike.

Tips for surfing at Canggu Beach:

  • Batu Bolong (Old Man's) is the main beginner-friendly surf spot. It's more crowded... but for good reason
  • Always be mindful of other surfers and swimmers in the water
  • Not having much luck catching waves at Canggu? This part of Bali has a high concentration of surfers, so consider heading to the Bukit Peninsula to find less crowded waves

Dreamland, Pecatu

Dreamland is a good spot for surfers who have progressed beyond the whitewater and are looking for a bit more challenge. 

The waves here can get powerful, but they're also consistent and offer long rides.

Tips for surfing at Dreamland Beach:

  • If you're not feeling confident enough to paddle out on your own, consider hiring a local guide to show you the ropes
  • The best time to surf here is at low tide, so plan your session accordingly
  • The Dreamland shore break, which are waves breaking on the shore, can be gnarly! If in doubt, watch how other beginner surfers enter the water. It'll help you avoid ending up on somebody's Instagram story

Sunset at Dreamland

Baby Padang, Padang Padang

Baby Padang is a soft reef break that offers both left and right-breaking waves. 

As a beginner surf spot in Bali with a reef bottom, you can begin by catching whitewater waves then progress onto surfing green waves as your confidence builds. 

Tips for surfing at Padang Padang Rights:

  • Be mindful of the shallow reef... it's not the sharpest, but it's still worth mentioning
  • This is one of the best places to familiarise yourself with surfing over reef, so make the most of it!
  • If you're not quite ready to surf Baby Padang, check out the nearby Jimbaran or Thomas Beach for more beginner-friendly waves

Jimbaran Beach, Jimbaran

This is a sheltered wave with a sand-bottom that's perfect for beginners on the hunt for gentler waves to practise on. 

It's a favourite among longboard surfers, and you're likely to share the lineup with them at this spot.

Tips for surfing at Jimbaran Bay:

  • Avoid high tide sessions as it can get quite crowded
  • If you're interested in trying out different types of boards, this is the spot to do it!
  • Don't miss out on the delicious seafood restaurants that line the beach after your surf session. Trust us, you'll need some fuel after all that paddling

Thomas Beach, Uluwatu

Located in the serene southeast corner of Padang, Thomas Beach is a sanctuary for novice surfers. 

With easily rideable waves, it's ideal for learners when the tide is high. 

Immerse yourself in the tranquillity of a spacious white sand beach while sipping on fresh coconuts served at local warungs. 

Oh... and did we mention it has killer sunsets?

Tips for surfing at Thomas Beach:

  • The best time to surf here is during mid to high tide
  • Thomas Beach is still quite underdeveloped, which means less crowds, beach clubs and surf schools. Enjoy the peaceful vibes while they last!
  • Don't forget to snap a photo of the beautiful sunset before you leave. It's sure to be an Instagram-worthy shot!

Final words

For those just starting out on their learn-to-surf journey, these beginner surf spots in Bali offer the perfect blend of safety, low crowd levels and easy access.

Remember, every pro surfer once stood where you are now - on the shore with eager eyes fixed on the horizon. Embrace the surf culture, respect the ocean and these beginner Balinese waves may just change your life.

Paddle out, pop up and ride the wave of your dreams. Here's to finding joy on Bali’s perfect learner waves!

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