Surfing Slang: Everything You Need to Know About Surfing Terms, Lingo and Phrases

Surfing Slang: Everything You Need to Know About Surfing Terms, Lingo and Phrases

There's a train of thought that slang develops due to the need for a quick and convenient way of communicating amongst peers.

When it comes to surfing slang though, the primary reason for surfer terms come back to the need to express feelings of stoke and froth about a particular event or person.

What the heck does "stoke" and "froth" mean, you ask? 

Take a seat and get comfortable. By the end of this article you'll be speaking surfanese fluently.

What is surfing slang?

Surfing slang is the blanket term used to describe the informal vocabulary and expressions used by surfers to communicate within their community.

These terms have evolved over time and are constantly changing, with new phrases popping up as surfing continues to evolve. Some of this slang is localised while other terms are used globally.

The thing about surfing terms and phrases is that they're always changing. What was cool to say in the 40s isn't exactly cool now.

That said, surfing slang has found its way into popular culture and is often used in mainstream media, music and everyday conversations. 

Words like "dude" and "gnarly" have become ubiquitous, even for those who've never set foot on a surfboard.

Catch the wave and learn to talk like a true surfer—book your surfing lesson today with Kala Surf!

What is the history of surf lingo, terms and phrases?

Surf slang developed in the United States in the 1940s and 1950s during the early days of surfing culture.

Pioneers like Duke Kahanamoku and his group of friends from Hawaii brought their own unique language and terminology to the American surf scene. 

This was then co-opted by US surfers such as Greg Noll, Mickey Dora and Mike Hynson, among others.

As the sport spread globally, so did its slang. Australian surfers created their own unique terms while South African surfers adopted a mixture of American and British expressions.

Most surf slang is centered around manoeuvres, the sensations of surfing and the different types of waves. Some slang even has a cultural or historical significance, such as the term "hodad" which referred to someone who pretended to be a surfer but actually wasn't.

While you won't hear the term hodad thrown around on the Bukit, there still exist certain phrases that are universally understood by surfers, no matter where they're from.

The top 60 surfing terms from around the world

1. Stoked

To be excited or happy about something, particularly related to surfing. This term originated in the 1960s and is still widely used today.

2. Gnarly 

Heavy, serious or difficult. A wave, person or situation can all be described as gnarly in the surfing world.

3. Barrel 

The name given to the hollow or tubing part of the wave. To be "barrelled" is to ride inside the wave's tube. It's one of the best feelings in the world.

4. Wipeout

Fell off your board in spectacular fashion? Newsflash... you just experienced a wipeout! 

This term is used to describe any time a surfer falls off their board while attempting a wave. You'll need to know how to hold your breath underwater.

5. Shaka

Ahhh... yes. The shaka. This hand gesture involves extending the thumb and pinky finger while curling in the rest. It's a universal symbol of good vibes used by surfers and non-surfers alike.

6. Hang ten

To hang ten is to walk to the front of the longboard and hang all ten toes off the edge while riding a wave. It's a classic move that originated in the 1960s.

7. Glassy 

When the ocean is calm, smooth and clear, it's described as glassy. This is the ideal condition for surfing (as opposed to onshore or crossshore which you can learn about in our forecasting guide).

8. Kook

Contrary to popular belief, a kook isn't exclusively a beginner or inexperienced surfer. It's actually a surfer who isn't self-aware. 

This term can be used to describe someone who is making silly mistakes in the water, but also someone who is arrogant or disrespectful towards other surfers.

9. Dawn patrol / dawnie / early

In Indonesia and other popular surfing destinations, it's common for surfers to get up before sunrise and head out on the water. 

This is known as a dawn patrol or just an early session. The benefit to the dawn patrol is catching the glassy morning waves before the crowds arrive.

10. Duck dive

To push your surfboard down and dive under an oncoming wave. This is essential for getting out the back in larger surf. It takes practice, but it's a vital skill for any surfer.

11. Grommet/gremmie

A young surfer, typically under the age of 12. Grommet is Australian slang while gremmie is American.

12. Drop-in

When another surfer takes off on a wave that is already being ridden by someone else. This is considered rude and can result in collisions or accidents. Don't be a kook and drop-in.

13. Goofy foot 

A goofy foot, goofy footed or goofy surfer is someone who stands with their right foot forward on the surfboard.

14. Regular/natural foot

The opposite of a goofy foot, a regular footed surfer stands with their left foot forward on the surfboard. Can also be called a natural foot.

15. Lineup

The term given to the spot where surfers wait for and take turns catching waves. The lineup can also refer to the group of surfers waiting. 

16. Closeout

Waves that break all at once and don't allow for a clean ride. These are usually avoided by more experienced surfers, but can still be fun to attempt.

17. Cutback

One of the first manoeuvres a beginner surfer will learn, the cutback involves turning back towards the breaking part of the wave to continue riding in that direction. Made famous by Australian surfer Michael Peterson.

18. Floater

Not what you think! A floater is another manoeuvre where the surfer rides up and over a broken section of the wave. It requires perfect timing to avoid getting sucked over by the lip.

19. Rip/rip current

A rip is a strong current that pulls water from the shore back out to sea. These can be dangerous for swimmers and surfers alike, but are also used strategically by surfers to get back out the back faster. 

20. Set 

Waves come in groups and these groups are referred to as sets. Sets can vary in size and frequency. Most surfers want to surf only the sets as they offer the biggest and longest ride of a session.

21. Tube/green room 

See barrel. A tube is another name for the hollow, curving part of a wave. Also known as the green room. Barrelling waves that you can pull into.

22. Whitewater 

The foamy, soft, frothy part of a broken wave. We'll start you on whitewater waves before progressing on to green (unbroken) waves.

23. Green waves

Waves that have not yet broken, also known as unbroken waves. These are the ultimate goal for most surfers.

24. Leash

The cord that attaches your ankle to your surfboard. This ensures the board doesn't get away from you in the water.

25. Wax

Ever wondered how surfers stay on their boards? Wax is the answer! It's applied to the top of a surfboard in a specific pattern to provide grip and traction for your feet. 

30. Thruster 

A fin configuration invented by Australian surfer Simon Anderson. Three fins are placed on the bottom of a surfboard in a thruster set up. This allows for more manoeuvrability and control.

31. Longboard/Malibu

One of two main surfboard designs (the other being shortboard). Longboards are typically over 8 feet long and offer a more classic surf style.

32. Shortboard

The other main surfboard design, shortboards are usually between 5-7 feet in length and allow for more speed and manoeuvrability on bigger waves.

33. Bro/dude/bra

Surf speak for "friend" or "mate". These terms are often used to address and refer to other surfers in a casual manner.

34. Foamie 

A beginner surfboard! These are made of foam and typically have soft edges to ensure safety for new surfers. They're also great for catching small waves.

35. Quiver

Like a quiver of arrows, a quiver in surfing refers to a collection of different surfboards that a surfer owns and uses for different conditions and types of waves.

36. Froth/frothing/frother 

To be over-excited about anything. You can froth a wave, a meal or a person. A person who habitually gets really excited (or froths) on a regular basis is known as a frother.

37. Surf camps

Places where you can live and learn to surf for a set period of time. Because surf camps give you the opportunity to learn with back-to-back sessions you'll progress faster and in a safer environment. They can also be an awesome way to meet people and make new friendships.

38. Bottom turn

After taking off on a wave, the bottom turn is usually the first manoeuvre a surfer will perform. It's used to gain speed and set up for other turns or tricks or to simply project you down the line of the wave.

39. Top turn

After the bottom turn comes the top turn, where the surfer turns their board back towards the breaking part of the wave.

40. Frontside

To surf with your body facing a wave. For example, a goofy foot surfer will be going frontside when taking a left-breaking wave.

41. Backside

Opposite of frontside. To surf with your back facing a wave. For example, a goofy foot surfer will be going backside when taking a right-breaking wave.

42. Paddle battle

When two or more surfers in a competition are paddling towards the same wave and trying to out-paddle each other to get it first.

43. Swell period

The amount of time between each wave in a set. A longer swell period means bigger and better waves.

44. Impact zone

A part of the ocean where waves break consistently, making it challenging for surfers to paddle out or catch a wave without getting hit by the breaking waves.

45. Pop-up/takeoff

A pop-up or takeoff is the move surfers use to get from lying down on their board to standing up and riding a wave. It requires a quick and fluid motion.

Pop Up

46. Peak

The highest point of a wave, where it starts to break.

47. Snaking

Given that surfers closest to the peak have priority, snaking is when a surfer paddles around or in front of another surfer to catch a wave that they do not have priority for. This is considered poor etiquette in the surfing community.

48. Surf etiquette

Surf etiquette refers to the unwritten rules and code of conduct that surfers abide by in the water. It includes things like giving right of way to fellow surfers, not dropping in and respecting the ocean and other surfers.

49. Shoulder

The part of the wave that's more sloped and less steep than the peak. This area is ideal for doing turns and manoeuvres.

50. Session

What you call a surfing session or outing in the water.

51. Surfboard nose

The pointy front end of a surfboard.

52. Surfboard trail

The rounded back end of a surfboard.

53. Rogue wave

When a single wave breaks much further out than all the other waves in a set. These are unpredictable and can catch surfers off guard.

54. Beach bum

Someone who spends a lot of time at the beach, often seen as carefree and relaxed. Surfing is associated with this lifestyle.

55. Turtle roll

The act of flipping your board upside down and holding onto the sides to avoid getting hit by a big wave while paddling out. A means for longboarders to reach the lineup.

56. Locals

The colloquial name for surfers who live near a specific break and consider it "their" spot. They may have a sense of ownership over the wave and can sometimes be protective or territorial.

57. Caught inside

To be caught inside is when a surfer is between the breaking part of the wave and the shore, making it difficult to paddle out or catch a wave without getting hit by multiple waves.

58. Party wave

When multiple surfers ride the same wave at the same time. It's considered a fun and communal experience in the surfing community.

59. Wave face

The open, unbroken part of a wave that surfers ride.

60. Surf break

Surf breaks are specific locations where waves break and are suitable for surfing. They can be beach breaks, point breaks, reef breaks or even shore breaks. There are suitable surf breaks for beginners and for more advanced surfers in Bali.

Final words

Guess what? You're now a surfer!

You don't need to know every single term or concept in the surfing world to enjoy and appreciate the sport. But it does help when trying to communicate with other surfers and navigate the ocean safely. 

Let us know your favourite surf term or concept in the comments below.

Happy surfing, dude!

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